Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Star Plot

Star plots use different colored lines going around a central location to usually 5 points or variables. The closest the line comes to the point the greater the variable is present for that data. This star map shows how students scored on a national standards test. 

Correlation Matrix

Correlation matrixes are used to compare how values are related to one another. This correlation matrix is illustrates the characteristics or attributes associated with the adoption of persuasive internet communication.

Similarity Matrix

A Similarity matrix is meant to show the correlation between two different sets of data. The more discolored the graph is, the lesser the correlation. This graph shows the maximum cross-correlation values between each pair of traces.

Stem and Leaf Plot

Stem and leaf plots are used to numerically organize sets of data. The stem is the greatest place value and the leaf represents the remainder of the number essentially. Stem and leaf plots are used for compiling numerical data in a graphical representation. 

Box Plot

Box plots are usually used to organize data in to five categories. The lines that extend from the boxes are used to represent the variability of the upper and lower quartiles. This graph illustrates the lottery payoffs over three time periods.


Histograms show the frequency at which sets of data occur. Each bar represents a specific range and the height of the bar determines the frequency that each variable occurs. Teachers can use this to illustrate how students score on exams to easily determine trends. This graph is an example doing exactly that.

Parallel Coordinate Map

Parallel coordinate maps are used to illustrate multiple sets of data. This parallel coordinate map compares various characteristics of cars like acceleration, miles per gallon, weight, horsepower, etc.  

Monday, November 18, 2013

Triangular Plot

Triangular plots are also known as ternary plots and they are comprised of three different variables that added together equal a constant. They are most often used in sciences to represent compositions of systems composed of three species. This diagram is meant to represent the presumed votes for a parliamentary election.  

Wind Rose

This is a wind rose. Wind Roses are used by meteorologists to graph weather conditions and wind speed. In this graph, the different colors represent the frequency that the wind traveled in that direction over a set time. Based on this graph we can see that the wind was blowing East most often. 


A climograph is a graphical representation of variables concerned with the weather in a specific place over a specific time. This map shows the average temperature and average precipitation in Moscow, Russia. 

Population Profile

A population profile is a visual graph analysis that shows to what extent a particular variable is present. This map shows how frequently HIV/AIDS is present in men, and women by age.


A scatterplot is another bivariate graph. It is meant to express the data of more than one variable in one graph. Here we can clearly see the correlation of a husbands age to that of his wife. Generally speaking, if the husbands age increases, it is likely that the wife's age will increase as well.

Index Value Plot

An index value plot is a type of visualization map that shows and index value rather than an absolute value plotted on a line graph. This index value plot is meant to show the return values computed from closing numbers.

Lorenz Curve or Accumulative Line Graph

This is a Lorenz curve and it is a graphical representation of the cumulative distribution function of a probability distribution. This graph was created in 1905 by Max Lorenz to represent the unequal distribution of wealth. This specific graph shows how the cumulative percentage of income is related to the cumulative percentage of the population. 

Bilateral Graph

Bilateral graphs are meant to represent two different sets of data in one map in a way that is easy to understand. This is a graph representing patients with joint problems. It shows both the number of patients and their general age group. 

Nominal Area Choropleth

Nominal area choropleth maps show categorical data rather than statistical or numerical data.  Here, different shades and colors are used to represent the data presented. This is a map of US House winners  by political party in the 111th congress.

Unstandardized Choropleth

Unstandardized chropleths are choropleth maps that are meant to show the change of on variable over a set area but they can be misleading. A standardized choropleth map would take in to account the fact California has many more juveniles than a lot of other less populated states. This map does not do that. It is not the most balanced and honest interpretation of the information that the map maker is trying to convery. 

Standardized Choropleth

Standardized choropleth maps are choropleth maps that have been standardized to ensure the information is presented in the most accurate possible way. This is a map of Canada that shows the population of those 14 and under.

Univariate Choropleth

Univariate choropleth maps are a type of choropleth map that show just one variable distributed over a set area. This map shows what people most likely call "soda" throughout the United States. The Northwest mostly calls it "Pop" while most of the Southeast calls all soda "Coke".

Bivariate Choropleth Maps

Bivariate choropleth maps are a type of choropleth map that show two variables on a single map. Two sets of data are shown in one map so the relationship between the two sets of data can best be understood. This map shows the percentage of the population as well as the percentage of the population that is under 18.

Unclassed Choropleth

This is an unclassed choropleth map. These maps use proportional shading to represent a change in data values. This map shows population change in the United States.

Classed Choropleth

This is a classed choropleth. These are used to portray varying statistics that occur within a set group of boundaries like the different counties of North Carolina.  This map is meant to represent the "per pupil expenditures" in dollars over the different counties in North Carolina.

Range Graded Proportional Circle Map

This is a range graded proportional circle map. It is a proportional circle map that has circles varying in size depending on the size of the range for which information is being provided. This map is meant to show the varying populations throughout communes in and around Zurich.

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

A continuously variable proportional circle map is a type of proportional circle map. The difference between the two is that more than one variable is being represented in this map. This map represents the different types of meat that were distributed to different regions of France in 1858.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

DOQQ (Digital Orthophotos Quarter Quads)

A DOQQ is another product of the USGS (U. S. Geological Survey). DOQQ's are digital aerial images  or satellite imagery. They get their name because each image represents a quarter of a quadrangle.  This image is of a waterway near what looks like the main road off and on a land mass.

DEM (Digital Elevation Model)

A Digital Elevation Model is usually used when trying to make 3d representations of Earth's surface. It can be represented as a raster based image or vector based image. This is a DEM of the Sahara Desert. 

DLG (Digital Line Graphic)

A digital line graph is like a DRG in that it to comes from the U. S. geological survey but it is represented in digital vector form. This is a DLG of Beaufort, South Carolina. 

DRG (Digital Raster Graphic)

DRG's are digital raster graphics. They are digital images that are scanned from a U.S. Geological survey topographic map.  This DRG shows a section of the Colorado River and its surrounding areas. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Isopachs are lines on a map that connect areas that have similar values of some variable. This map is meant to show hydrogen ion concentration around the United States. Based on the information in the key we know that the areas in green have higher hydrogen ion concentrations than that of the peach colored areas.



Isopachs are contour lines on a map that connect points of comparable rock thickness. This image is meant to show that the most thick rocks are centralized in the dark red areas while the lighter blue tints are less thick.



Isohyets are contour lines on a map that connect points that have the same amount of rainfall over a certain period of time. This map and its Isohyets show where the highest and lowest concentrations of rainfall were from May 1st to September 18th in 1992.



Isotachs are lines used in maps that connect points of equal wind speed. This map shows the strongest wind speeds occurring over Montana and the Dakotas. 



Isobars are used when the intention is to illustrate the differences in pressure over a geographical area using contour lines. This is an image of taken from Ireland showing how the pressures vary in a small area.



LiDAR images are created by pointing lasers at an object and analyzing the reflection. We are able to construct images from the data collected. This is a LiDAR image of the Haiti National Palace after the earthquake in 2010.

Doppler Radar


Doppler radar uses microwaves beamed in a specific direction. Images are constructed from the microwaves reflecting off something. This data is compared over time to see how something, like a storm cell, is changing and moving. This is a picture of a hurricane hitting the east coast of Florida.

Black and White Aerial Photo


Black and white aerial photo's can be used to trace the physical changes in a geographical area over time. They are always taken from above an area, looking down. These pictures can be very informative about an area and its surroundings. This is a picture of downtown Rochester, New York.

Infrared Aerial Photo


Infrared aerial photographs are great because they serve multiple purposes. They can show directions, the proximity from one landmark to another and also the amount of heat energy given off by a general or specific area. This image shows the coastline of california in the city of Moss Landing.

Cartography Animation

This is a cartographic animation. Cartographic animations are most often used in weather reports. This particular image is meant to show a storm system. The primary use for cartography animations is to show how weather is changing and moving over time. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Statistical Map

This is a statistical map. Statistical maps are used to indicate variation in quantity of a variable. This map shows the growth rates of internet access in Africa. By observing the map we can see that access to the internet is still relatively new in many parts of Africa as indicated by the lavender colored bars. We can also see that Uganda had a massive growth rate between July 1995 and July 1996. 


This is a cartogram. Cartograms use different variables, like population or consumption in place of distance or area. Here we see world population as a variable. On the website provided above, we can see the populations by country in 1900, in 2000 and the predicted population in 2050. The size of countries that are growing more drastically are shown as getting bigger than the rest of the world, over time.

Flow Map


This is a flow map. A flow map is meant to show the movement of a variable. In this case, the lines drawn are meant to represent the flights made by American Airline planes. We can deduce that the majority of their activity is centralized on the east coast and the southwestern United States.

Isoline Map

This is an Isoline map. It uses contour lines to illustrate changes in a variable. In this case, it is showing the changes in the pressure and how that affects how hard the wind is blowing. The isobars are in 4mb increments. We can see that there is quite a bit of change and variation in western South Dakota. This is apparently very unusual and is responsible for very high wind gusts in 1999.

Proportional Circle Map


This is a proportional circle map. Here, the relative size of the circles are used to represent the varying populations in each states capitol city. Small circles indicate smaller populations in capitol cities, while larger circles indicate higher populations. From viewing this map we can determine that Indianapolis and Phoenix are two of the most highly populated capitol cities, while Pierre, South Dakota and Montpelier, Vermont have two of the smaller populations in capitol cities in the United States.

Choropleth Map


This is a choropleth map. It shows with shading and coloring the different median household incomes by state. Choropleth maps are great for explaining demographic measurements and patterns. By observing this map, we can see, that Arkansas, Mississippi, and West Virginia have the lowest median household income of all the continental United States. Conversely, we can see that there are many states in the Northeast which have the highest median household income.

Dot Distribution Map

This is a dot distribution map. Dot distribution maps are mostly used to show the density of something over a geological area. This map shows population variances in and around Los Angeles, California. By referencing the key we can determine that the areas with more red dots are the most highly populated. 

Propaganda Map


This propaganda map is meant to illustrate a Texan's view of the United States. It inflates the size and scope of Texas' reach and marginalizes the rest of the country. It is a very subjective view of the country and this is surely meant to be funny, though throughout history, propaganda maps have been used to falsely portray geographic areas as a means to show come countries as being more powerful while showing others to be less powerful than they really are.

Hypsometric Map


This is a hypsometric map. It uses color to show elevation trends. The writing on the map is in a different language so its hard to know where this is exactly but the pertinent information is all in the shading. Based on the key, we can tell that the left side of the photo, presumably the west part of the geographical area, is the highest in elevation.


This is a public land surveying system map. This is taken from Google Earth and it has a PLSS overlay. In PLSS maps, the land is divided up evenly for the purpose of easier management. This is used to spatially identify parcels of land before land ownership. This overlay shows mile sections

Cadastral Map

This cadastral map is meant to represent an original cadastral created by surveyors during the reign of Emperor Franz I. Land parcels are represented to show land ownership. It's main purpose is to show land ownership for the purpose of selling land or to settle land disputes. Franz I was more than likely most concerned with protecting what was his and also being aware of what was around him in the event that he may try to expand his empire through military conquest.

Thematic Map


This thematic map illustrates the political party of the governors in the continental United States in 2007.  Thematic maps are used to show how a specific theme relates to a specific geographic area. They can also be used to compare patterns on two or more other maps. We can deduce from looking at this map that much of the United States was virtually split in terms of political party alignment in 2007.